ProCap Professional
3D Flow Field Measurement System for experts
- Perfect for scale and full scale wind-tunnel applications
- Full flexibility for any size and type of applications (0.5-100 m3)
- Extended feature set for flow visualization and analysis
- Isosurface and streamline visualization
- User defined math functions
- Digital 5 hole and 14 hole probes
- Correction of the probe displacement velocity
- Different probe measurement ranges available
- Modular design to accept different probes and tracking systems
- Custom probe integration possible
- Compatible with motion capture systems from Qualisys, Opti track and Vicon
- CAD geometry import of multiple models
- Tracking and animation of model geometry
- Fully 3D flow datasets compatible with CFD post processors for validation
- Calibrated 5 or 14-hole digital probe with markers
- Tracking camera and software
- ProCap Professional software pre-installed with Laptop
- Transportation case
- Service & support package
- Service & support packages
- 3D ultrasonic low-speed probe
- Tracking systems for full-scale applications
- Customizable probes available upon request
- Customizable transport case available upon request
- Various telescopic probe poles
Utilizing our range of probes, we can create a system unique to your requirements.
- 5-hole iProbe
- 14-hole iProbe
- TriSonica Sphere
- TriSonica Mini
- Customized Probes